Our Preschool program is designed to encourage and guide 3 and 4 year-old children to learn in a faith-filled, safe, kind, and confident environment. We cultivate our program with play, social, and age-appropriate learning skills. Keeping in mind that children learn in many different ways we introduce students to center-based learning. The benefit of this environment is to introduce multiple ways to learn concepts and skills that are so important in your child's early years. We also introduce them to full class instruction, how to stay seated, actively listen and follow directions. The curriculum is all brought together to prepare the students to become successful saints and scholars.
Religion is immediately integrated into your child’s school day. We always start our day wishing Jesus a “Good Morning”. The children learn that God and Jesus are always a part of their day. We teach your child how to bless themselves and introduce them to reciting the prayers Our Father and Hail Mary. In addition, your child is taught that God loves us and understands that God created the world. We learn about the 7 Days of Creation and are introduced to Holy Days. Stuents will listen to Old and New Testament Bible stories.
In literacy, children will master the alphabet song and are introduced to upper and lower case and letters and their sounds. During a typical week we will not only practice tracing/writing a specific letter, but we will explore this letter in multiple ways. We will read books about this letter, we will learn about words and items that start with this letter, we will also integrate activities, crafts, science, and even social studies to include this letter.
The children are introduced to storytelling and develop their listening skill, Students will be able to draw a picture related to a story read to them, identifying the parts of a story in sequential order: the beginning, middle, and end, evetually dictate sentences to describe thier art work. In addition, we will work on position words (under/over, between, inside/outside). Students will also be able to repeat nursery rhymes and fingerplays. Phonologically, students will be introduced to rhyming syllables and basic alliterations.
In Math, children master their colors, identify flat shapes, and are introduced to drawing flat shapes. We work on sorting by color and shapes. We count daily, working on counting to 50 individually and counting to 100 as a class. Students are also introduced to touchpoints 1-10 and identifying numerals 1-10- and higher.
Matching: objects, symbols, shapes, patterns, etc. Students are introduced to concepts such as opposites. same and different etc.
Students practince sorting by various attributes: color, shape, size Patterns: AB, AABB, ABC, and possibly AAB, ABB. Also, basics of customary measurements are introduced.
Our science and social studies programs are built around topics related to the children’s everyday life experiences. Based on the student’s enthusiasm and understanding we cover topics like: The Body, 5 Senses, Insects, Animals, Weather, Nutrition, Plants, Dinosaurs, Magnets, Sink or Float, Space, Community Helpers, Recycling/Environmental topics, Manners and Kindness.
Creative Arts
Students will have the opportunity to explore a variety of art processes: painting, drawing, sculpture, weaving, collage, etc. They will use a variety of art materials: crayons, tempera paint, watercolor paint, colored pencils, markers, oil pastels, art chalk, clay
Studnets will sing traditional songs and songs that enhance the curriculum and participate in movement activities and dances A variety of children's instruments will be introduced as well as scarves, rhythm sticks, and bean bags to practice rhythms.
Students will participate in dramatic play and act out familiar stories.
Social Skills
Students will practice problem-solving skills in social situations. Preschoolers will work in groups or with a partner on a variety of projects. It is expected that students will
share classroom materials, practice using manners: and communicate his/her needs. Students will take care of his/her own basic needs: clean up, roll up nap mat, fasten clothing, use tissue as needed, etc.
Students will state personal information: first and last name, age, school name, city, state, country and practice speaking in front of their classmates.
Preschoolers will also participate in projects to help others in need.